Bindu astrology & Cosmic patterns software collaboration
Kepler and Sirius provide an enormous number of features in all areas of astrology, both western and eastern. Bindu brings the world of Vedic astrology in an elegant, easy-to-use, and exciting way and currently at a lower price than many of the competing Vedic programs. Bindu also includes techniques used in ancient western and modern astrology.
For people who have Bindu as well as either Kepler, Sirus, or Pegasus, the programs work together beautifully without the need to manually transfer or re-enter the birth data. It does not matter whether you are a Kepler or Sirius user who would like to have some of the exciting innovations available in Bindu or whether you are a Bindu user would like to have the power of Kepler or Sirius included with Bindu. In either case, you now have available to you brilliant software that works together beautifully.