Bindu Astrology Software Feature
Basic Calculations
Highly Precise planetary Calculation powered by Swiss Ephemeris
True and Mean Nodes
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto in all charts (Optional)
Chiron and Part of Fortune in Wheel chart
Tropical and Sidereal zodiac with 20+ Ayanamsas
Mixed Zodiac mode (Tropical Signs and Sidereal Nakshatras)
User Interface
North And South Indian Style
Western Wheel Chart with inner aspect
Opening as many charts as you want at the same time
Keyboard Shortcuts
Transport panel to move the chart to the desirable time.
Create a temporary copy of a profile by one Click.
Powerful Profile Manager
Atlas of longitudes and latitudes
Time zone Database
Color codings: Exaltation, Debilitation, Retrograde, Moola Trikona, Domicile, and Fatal Degrees
Customizable Desktops
Profile Manager
Add, Edit, Delete profiles
Create Groups of profiles
Search profiles
Preview Charts
Write Several Notes/Events for every Chart
Preview the Transit of events
Backup and Restore Profiles
Automatic Updates
Once you get a copy of Bindu Astrology Software 2017, you have joined Bindu Family and all future tools and updates under this version(2017) will be downloaded for free. Additional Panels such as Dasa Systems, Charts and other calculations as well as Technical improvements and Bug fixes will be downloaded by Automatic updater.
Automatic Online Updater easily update your software. Each time you run the software while connected to internet, the updater automatically checks the changes and will inform you about new updates. You can immediately get the updates or postpone it to another time.
Print Options
3 Print Layouts, Fully Customizable by user. You can create your own preset for every Layout or change it as you like every time.
Basic Charts and Tools
Rashi chart
Bhava Chart
Sun Chart
Moon Chart
House Cusps
Divisional Charts
Arudha Padas (for all Vargas)
Planetary Relationships (for all Vargas)
Chara Karakas (7 and 8 Scheme)
Aspect Grids
Planetary Tables
Planetary Data:
Nakshatra Lord
Sub lord
Nakshatra Data:
Nakshatra Lord
Nama (Sound)
Tara bala
Gana(Deva, Rakshasa, Human)
Goal (Purusha Artha)
Tajaka Data
Navamsa Lord
Dwadasamsa Lord
Hadda Lord
Drekana Lord
Tri Rashi Lord
Pancha Vargya Bala
Dwadasa Vargya Bala
Harsha Bala
Vimshottari Dasa
Up to 5 layer Dasa Calculations can be based on Moon, Ascendant, 4th Nakshatra, 5th Nakshatra, 8th Nakshtara, and any other Planet.
There is a Search feature to search Date and Planetary Period among Dasa Items. Transit of Each Dasa Item can be shown by Double Click on the Rows.
Other Dasas
Vimshottari Dasa 12 lords (Including Uranus Neptune Pluto)
Yogini Dasa
Chara Dasa
Nama Dasa
Other Dasa Systems and variations will be added soon through Automatic updater
Fardar (Firdaria) Persian directional system
All Parashari Vargas All Tajaka Varga
D2 Variations: Parashari, Labh Mandook, Purva Parashari, Venktesha, Sun/Moon, Vikram Mandook, Vanarasi
D3 Variations: Parashari, Garga, Varanasi, Somnath, Parivrittitraya
D4 Variations: Parashari, Cyclical
D5 Variations: Tajaka, Cyclical
D8 Variations: Cyclical, B.V.Raman
D9 Variations: Parashari, Jaimini, Kalachakra, Rasi Tulya Navamsa, Navamsa Tulya Rasi
D10 Variations: Parashari, Cyclical
D11 Variations: Parashari, Reverse, Taurus Omitted
D12 Variations: Parashari, Cyclical, Odd reverse
D16 Variations: Parashari, Manteshwara
D24 Variations: Parashari, Direct order, Cyclical
D30 Variations: Parashari, Varanasi
D40 Variations: Parashari, Cyclical
D45 Variations: Parashari, Cyclical
D60 Variations: Parashari, D.V. Subba Rao
Panchanga Panel
Duplicate Yogi
Dagdha Rasi
Tithi and Yoga Percent
Tithi and Nakshatra Gandhantas
Ashtaka Varga
Bhina Ashtaka Varga Charts (for individual planets in rasi and all vargas)
Prastar Ashtaka Varga (for individual planets in rasi and all vargas)
Ekadipatya Reductions
Trikona Reductions
Rasi Pinda
Graha Pinda
Shodya Pinda
Aspect Grids
Major and Minor aspects
Customizable orbs for each aspect
Show Parallel and contra-Parallels
Large Aspect Grid + Exactitudes
Large Aspect Grid + Distances
Aspects Table
Adjust the aspects by orb on screen
Please add Sarvatobhadra cakra, with option to start with any naksatra, user selectable.
Also hora calculations from sunrise to sunset (12 hours) and sunset to sunrise (12 hours) would be good for us astrology researchers.
And please let [NOW] button show current time for place of event/natal chart, not the time of my computer. No matter where user is located, if event/natal chart is for i.e. London, [NOW] button should show current time for London.
Best regards,
S love nia
You’ve done so much alone, it’s truly amazing. Not only is the software quite complete but your website is also a gem. I wonder how you do it all. I feel like a relic in your company.